Veterinary Services

Pet Bathing Excellence at Ohio Drive Animal Hospital in Plano, TX

Our grooming professionals are skilled in handling pets with care and expertise. They use gentle techniques to make the bathing experience stress-free for your furry friends.

dog getting a bath

Professional Pet Bathing Services for a Healthy and Happy Furry Friend

Welcome to Ohio Drive Animal Hospital, your trusted partner in pet care in Plano, TX. Our commitment extends beyond medical expertise to encompass the overall well-being of your cherished pets.

Why Regular Pet Bathing Matters

Beyond the obvious benefits of a clean and shiny coat, regular bathing helps:

  • Skin Health: Proper bathing removes dirt, debris, and excess oils, promoting healthy skin and coat.
  • Allergen Control: Bathing reduces allergens, making it especially beneficial for pets with allergies or sensitivities.
  • Odor Management: Keep your home smelling fresh by preventing pet odors with regular bathing.

Our Pet Bathing Services

Expert Grooming Team

Our grooming professionals are skilled in handling pets with care and expertise. They use gentle techniques to make the bathing experience stress-free for your furry friends.

Specialized Shampoos

We use high-quality, pet-safe shampoos that address specific coat types and skin conditions. Our team selects the appropriate products to enhance the health and beauty of your pet’s coat.

Thorough Drying and Brushing

After bathing, we ensure your pet is thoroughly dried and brushed. This not only contributes to a shiny coat but also aids in preventing matting and tangling.

Additional Services

While bathing is a primary focus, our pet services extend beyond to include nail trimming, ear cleaning, and other grooming needs. We aim to provide a comprehensive and stress-free experience for your pets.

Schedule Your Pet’s Bath Today

Maintain your pet’s hygiene with our professional pet bathing services at Ohio Drive Animal Hospital. Contact us today to schedule a pet bathing appointment or inquire about our other services. Our team ensures your pets look and feel their best, reflecting our commitment to their overall health and happiness.